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Terms & Conditions
I/We have read and understood the Supplementary Regulations issued for this Meeting and agree to be bound by them and by the National Competition Rules of the Australian Auto-Sport Alliance Pty. Ltd. (AASA). I/We also acknowledge and agree that neither Australian Auto-Sport Alliance Pty. Ltd., nor Winton Motor Raceway Pty. Ltd., nor the sponsor organisations, nor the land owners or lessees, nor the organisers of the race meeting/event, nor their respective servants, officials, representatives or agents (all of whom shall collectively be called "the Organisers"), shall be under any liability for my death, or any bodily injury, loss or damage which may be sustained or incurred by me, as a result of participation in or being present at the event, except in regard to any rights I may have arising under the Trade Practices Act 1974. I/We acknowledge that motor sport is dangerous and accidents causing death, bodily injury, disability and property damage can, and do, happen. I/We accept the conditions of, and acknowledge the risks arising from, attending or participating in the event and being provided with the event services by AASA and the Associated Entities.
Liability Waiver
Please click here to read the release and Waiver of Liability Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Aggrement.
Refund Policy
Please click here to read our Refund Policy
Coupon / Discount Code
$0.00Inc GST
Online booking fee $0.00